Patient Stories

Ty Lowe
After losing weight, I felt an improvement, but it still affected my mobility. 2 months ago bending down to pick something up from the ground triggered my chronic back pain again and I was unable to stand or walk for more than a few minutes without being in immense pain. I spent two days not being able to walk more than 10 metres without stopping and being in agony.
I decided that I didn’t want to go via the NHS again and be put on medication to numb the pain but I wanted to seek alternative treatment and I came across Pure Dynamic online. I signed up for an Osteopathy session with Felix Schon and in my first session we worked on strategies to be more mobile, exercises to help strengthen my core and back and stretches and treatment to help improve my condition. In my first session I could not bend or really walk too well, sitting to standing was a struggle.
Felix is so highly skilled and knows his stuff and made me understand how I can get stronger and work through this. Also, he made me understand my condition and how it could be improved by treatment. He is such an awesome guy and so friendly, I felt he tailored the sessions to me and my condition. He gave me exercises to work on and made me feel so comfortable and able to work through this with him.
I began seeing Felix regularly and I have really seen a huge difference in my development. I am now able to walk and run and exercise, something that was truly not possible before having treatment with him. I do the exercises and strategies that I learn in my sessions daily.
Last week I completed an 24km hike across the South Downs, Eastbourne, 2 months after not being to walk! It was a huge personal achievement for me, the furthest I have EVER walked. This was a goal of mine, as I was doing it with my best mates and I didn’t want to miss out and told Joe about this in the first session and it was something we worked up to. I have to thank Felix and Pure Dynamic for helping me so much. I cannot be thankful enough to him for helping me feel like myself again.
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